Wilbur Shapiro Books

About the Books


Winston defied his domineering father and set out to become a journalist. At State college he became the editor of the school newspaper and excelled in his course work. He found love with Angela Hernandez, that was short lived by an auto accident. Upon graduation he worked for a national news paper and his job was to dispute propaganda being propagated by the radical left. From a protective site he countered propaganda and found love with his assistant, the newspaper editors’ daughter. The country remains divided and the future status unknown.


Nancy Henderson was born with Cystic Fibrosis (CF). She made it her mission to advise the public what it was like to live with CF. She did so by newspaper syndicate, book, CF Magazine, and movies. Nancy became a heroine and was loved and respected by the general public.


Our world is full of hate. This book describes hatred and in particular anti-Semitism. The left-leaning Democrats are poised to destroy our government and lead us to destruction. We must recognize what is going on and combat the proposed revolution.

The Anecdotal Odes of Wilbur Shapiro

Family events bring lasting memories. Some of the more humorous occurrences of a fictional family of seven are described in poetic verse. The time table includes infant children to adulthood. Siblings went on to produce their own families, and the bar-mitzvah of son Geoffrey is described in detail including the prelude, the ceremony and beyond. In addition stories of adult children produced increased amusement.


Wilson Shindler’s dream was to develop an Oil-Free piston engine. Besides difficult technical hurdles, he had to overcome significant headwinds of corporate greed and evil. Ultimate success leads to a decision fork that would have a profound effect on his future way of life.


From Top to Bottom

Damon Clark could truly be called the Yo-Yo man. From award winning stock broker, to homeless man, to President of the United States, Damon surely deserves that title. He led our country for two terms and made us aware of and avoided the invisible monster waiting to crush us.

Amos the Gifted

Amos was abandoned by his father at birth. His mother, Soriana vowed to provide Amos everything in life for him to succeed. Amos was gifted. Unfortunate circumstances landed Soriana and her son in a farming community in New Hampshire. No blacks for miles. It was there that Amos made his mark and lived up to his calling.



Walter Sharp was a once a week hacker trying to find his golf swing. A series of events occurs that enhances his swing and he eventually becomes a world champion. Just when he reaches the pinnacle of success, with fame and fortune, the game bites back.


The Genetic Scribe

Jacob Green was born to write and he documented his life journey through Public School, The Army Infantry and his marriage by his newspaper and book creations.